Halllooooo~~~~ long time no see :D
Hee... since few days I didn't update, I noticed that, so many updated posts by blogs that I followed. And I read some (usually post that have catchy title). Hee~ so many interesting posts by you guys!
Well, after finish reading some mind-blowing posting, I get inspired and start writing here.
My focus for this post is about COMMENTER - one who writes comments. I wanna write about this, bcoz just now, I read one of my friend's posting about a commenter that posting bad thing on her blog! Unfortunately, that coward commenter using 'Anonymous'.
I also allowed everyone to comment on my blog using Google account or other IDs or Anonymously. BUT... please COMMENTER be polite on others posting!
As a quite-active-blogger-without-real-focus-posting, that my blog is mostly about me, my cat, food that I eat, my rambling, over-exposure pics that I've taken.... It will be really heartache for me if some Anonymous people commenting on my post and telling me to stop posting rubbish like that!
For me, any blog (no matter what the blog is all about) is kawaii.... X3
For such commenter, if you don't like or allergic to so-called nothing-to-post, just simply don't comment on it! Easy! *because u r just JEALOUS*
To all my followers and commenter, please don't break my heart~ :P
Click on picture below to see her post.
REMEMBER, any blog is kawaii... :3
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Hi! Komen le... Entri I memang dlm BI tp korang bleh komen dlm Malay pun :)